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As a business owner, making sure your staff, assets, and facilities are safe is a top priority. Picking the right access control system allows you to limit access to authorised people only. In this complete guide, we’ll look at the key things to think about when choosing an access control system tailored to your unique business needs.

Understanding Exactly What You Need

The first step is clearly defining your requirements. Do you need strong security features or basic access control? Which areas or entry points need securing? Knowing specifications upfront ensures you select a system that matches your needs and budget.

You’ll also want to consider future business growth. Systems that can scale up later provide long-term flexibility. Integrating access control with existing IT networks and security systems allows centralised monitoring and control.

Looking at the Main System Types

Access control systems typically fall into three main categories:

  • Biometric systems authorise access through fingerprints, voice recognition or facial scanning. Highly secure but usually more expensive.
  • Card-based systems need ID or access cards. More affordable but cards can be lost, stolen or copied. 
  • Hybrid systems combining options provide better security. For example, access cards plus biometric hand scanners. Analyse your needs, facilities and budget to decide the right system type.

Key Features to Review

  • Ease of use is key – the system should be simple for both admins and end-users. Features like smartphone-based access provide flexibility for mobile users.
  • Remote monitoring allows off-site tracking of access in real-time. Useful for multi-location businesses or 24/7 sites. Customisable permissions enable detailed control over specific access rules for each user.
  • Compliance with industry security standards means your system follows established best practices and legal duties. Other key aspects include reliability, data protection and backup capabilities in case of power loss or connection issues.

Additional Implementation Factors

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Installing access control also means defining emergency protocols, user permissions, areas covered and door/barrier hardware requirements.

You’ll need to comply with legal duties like data privacy laws. Also, consider environmental impacts – some advanced systems use green energy or low-power components.

Adequate user training ensures correct ongoing use. Provide simple staff reference guides highlighting daily interactions like entering or managing access cards/credentials.

Vendor Considerations

As an access control leader, Panther Security has over a decade of experience designing and installing secured entry solutions for businesses across industries. Our hardware has long-term warranties with fast on-site maintenance response for any issues. This minimises client downtime while keeping systems in top condition.

With Panther as your partner, you benefit from expert guidance based on thousands of installs. We take time to understand your specific organisational needs, tailoring secured access for smooth daily interactions. Our scalable solutions adapt to future business growth needs down the road. 


Selecting and installing an effective access control system requires thinking about more than just security. By taking an informed and thorough approach, you’ll pick the ideal solution that matches your risk profile, facilities and long-term vision. Partnering with established access control companies streamlines the process through expert guidance.

Ultimately, the right system secures your assets while allowing staff easy access with minimal disruption to daily workflows. It provides strong protection for your business, people and property.


Can I integrate the access control system with my existing security infrastructure?

Yes, modern access control systems are designed for seamless integration with various security protocols. Ensure compatibility during the selection process.

Is biometric access more secure than card-based systems?

Biometric access adds an extra layer of security, relying on unique biological features. However, the choice depends on the specific needs and budget of your business.

What happens if there is a power outage?

Access control systems often come with backup power options to ensure continuous functionality during power outages. Check for this feature when making a decision.

How often should the access control system be upgraded?

Regular upgrades are essential to stay ahead of security threats and benefit from the latest technologies. Consider upgrading every few years based on advancements in the industry.

Can multiple access levels be configured for different employee roles?

Yes, most access control systems offer the flexibility to configure multiple access levels based on employee roles. This enhances security and restricts unauthorised entry.